A major function of GRES is to provide ample exposure to the multitude of real estate job functions that exist in today's marketplace. The functions include, but are not limited to....


Investment Management

  • Coordinates with general contractors to execute capital projects
  • Directors of property managers for operation of commercial assets
  • Assist acquisitions team with understanding update/repair costs for properties
  • This is the industry’s broadest function and requires strong organization, communication, finance and planning skills

Acquisitions and Dispositions

  • Responsible for entire buying process including: asset identification, market research, underwriting, price negotiations, due diligence, and capital calls
  • Must have strong finance background, requires extensive networking, includes components of brokerage/sales

Portfolio Management

  • For closed-end and open-ended funds, portfolio managers help limited partner (LP) clients and the asset management/acquisitions teams understand the geographic and segment specific risk associated with a pool of commercial assets and how that pool tracks a benchmark.
  • Assists in adjustments in portfolio composition to maintain intended levels of risk
  • Must have strong quantitative/analytical skills


  • Functions range from identifying vacant land for ground-up development, or locating and acquiring infill re-development sites
  • Must have strong problem solving skills and understanding of geography specific land-use regulations, must have the ability and discipline to navigate bureaucratic regulatory processes
  • Must be able to formulate and pitch proposed building projects in the abstract, must have a compelling vision